Frequently asked questions
- How to solve "You must enter a valid serial number" error?
The setup file of CutePDF Pro needs to write the Serial Number into Windows' registry and could be blocked by the Anti-Virus software installed on your system.
So, you may need to disable your AV during the installation of the software.
And please make sure to enter the whole Serial Number with dash and no typo.
- How to install CutePDF Professional on a new computer?
You can always download and re-install a free upgrade of CutePDF Professional off here!
- How to solve "Install Printer Driver failed"?
Please make sure the Anti-Virus software or other security settings on your system would not blocked the setup file.
Then download the newest version and re-install it.
CutePDF Professional
- How to use Adobe Reader in CutePDF Pro to get better page navigation and printing control?
Launch CutePDF Pro 4.0 and check Work with system viewer option under its View menu.
Exit and restart the CutePDF Professional, then open a PDF file in it.
- How to fix "not able to print" issue after upgrading to Windows 10 version 2004?
Please launch CutePDF Professional, and go to its Help -> Check for Updates....
Reboot your system and try again to print a PDF file in CutePDF Professional 4.0 .
- How to solve "Toolbar display issue on 4K screen notebook"?
Please go to the folder "C:\Program Files (x86)\Acro Software\CutePDF Pro\"
Right click on "CutePDF.exe" file and select Properties.
In Compatibility tab, click on 'Change high DPI settings' button.
Select 'Override high DPI scaling behavior'.
And change 'Scaling performed by:' to System (instead of Application).
Click OK and OK again.
- How to open more than one file in CutePDF Pro?
First, please run Check Update... in its Help menu to install the latest version.
Then, please make sure the Append Jobs button (on 1st row of toolbar) is NOT pressed-down (click it to un-press it).
Also,you need to launch a new CutePDF Pro Windows first to open a new PDF file.
Or, you can right click on a PDF file and select 'Open with CutePDF Pro'.
If you open a new file in the same CutePDF Pro windows, it will close the
opened one and open the new one in the same window.
- How to make CutePDF Professional support Unicode in the filename?
You may go to Control Panel -> Region and click on
Change system locale... in Administrative tab.
Just make sure Beta: Use Unicode UTF-8 for worldwide language support is checked.
- How to disable the right panel of Adobe Reader?
If you don’t like the right panel of Reader DC in CutePDF Pro, please launch Reader and press Ctrl+K to open its Preferences.
Select Documents in the left Categories and check "Remember current state of Tools Pane" on the right.
Click OK.
Now you can click Right Arrow of Right Panel to keep it closed.
CutePDF Writer
- CutePDF does not support NT 4.0 or
Windows 95.
- CutePDF Writer does not support network
printer sharing or mapping.
You should install CutePDF Writer on all your systems.
- Does CutePDF Writer support Terminal
Yes, the new version 4.0 supports Windows Server 2008/2012/2016/2019.
- How to reduce the size of output PDF
You can alter the parameters used in a text file
"%Program Files%\Acro Software\CutePDF Writer\PDFWrite.rsp".
The key parameters are in the line:
where configuration can be /screen, /printer, /prepress,
/default. Using /Printer can cut size by half. You may get
more info at here.
- Text characters are wrong or missing in
generated PDF file.
On Win2000 and up boxes, select CutePDF Writer properties in
the application print dialog box and click
"Advanced". Select "Download as Softfont"
(default is "Substitute with Device Fonts") on
TrueType Fonts setting for font embedding.
On Win98/ME boxes, open the property of CutePDF Writer and
change the Fonts setting to "Always use TrueType
- How to add a custom paper size?
Go to Control Panel -> Printers and Faxes. Choose Server
Properties command on File menu. Add your paper size on Forms
tab. Then, please select exact matched paper size (and orientation) during printing (in
print dialog box, click on Properties -> Advanced).
On Windows 7/8, please go to Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Print Management -> Printer Servers
-> %computer name% -> Forms.
Click on Action menu -> Manage Forms to add the custom form.
- How to bypass Save As dialog box ,or
make unattended installation?
The Custom Edition
supports those features.
- Unable to save the PDF file to a mapped
drive on Terminal/Citrix server.
The Custom Edition
supports mapped drives on Terminal/Citrix server.
- How to use other Ghostscript or PS2PDF
converter with CutePDF Writer?
CutePDF Writer detects the installation of Ghostscript
automatically. If you want to use other converter application,
simply create a Setup.ini file in "%Program Files%\Acro
Software\CutePDF Writer" folder and put following
parameters in it.
Command=put exe filename here
(e.g. C:\gs\bin\gswin32c.exe)
Arguments=put arguments here
(e.g. -sOutputFile="%1" -c save pop -f "%2")
If you want to use PStill, please try the following settings.
Command=C:\Program Files (x86)\GPStill\pstill.exe
Arguments=-M defaultall -J 70 -C -o "%1" "%2"