Fast, Accurate, Flexible E-form Filling
FormMax Filler 3.5 is the $0 cost electronic
form filler that lets users fill out forms created in FormMax
while protecting the form design from modification. Easy
tab-and-type entry makes filling out forms simple, and with
autofill, database lookup, and automatic calculations you reduce
the time and data-entry error. The build-in database keeps a
record of all your entries, which you can search, sort, and
Features Highlight
- Fast Fill Out Form
FormMax Filler lets you fill out any form created with
FormMax. It takes advantage of all built-in functions such
as automatic calculations, AutoFill and database lookup.
- Print/Fax/Mail Support
Once a form has been filled out, you can print, fax, e-mail.
- Embedded Database
FormMax automatically creates an embedded database when you
create a form. User can create a new, blank form using the
record set as a template to create another record set, and
then filling in new information. Once you have more than one
record you can use toolbar buttons or commands to move back
and forth through the record sets.
- Data Export and Import
You can export information from record sets to share
information with other FormMax databases, or even share
information with different databases. You can import field
data (information) into an FormMax database from another
database source. Importing data saves you the time of
entering the same data manually and allows you to share data
with other database users.
- OLE 2 Support
Use FormMax Filler with other OLE applications, or build
custom solutions using OLE Automation.
- AutoFill and Database Lookups
FormMax Filler lets you enter a key piece of information in
one field and have the current field or other fields
automatically filled through AutoFill. Database lookups can
generate drop-down lists from FormMax or other databases.
- Multiple Pages
Sometimes you may just need more pages on current form.
FormMax Filler makes it possible to add more page in a form.
The differences between FormMax and FormMax Filler
FormMax contains design and fill modes. In design mode, you
create and design forms. In fill mode, you fill out, save, send,
print forms and use the database functions. FormMax Filler
contains the fill mode of FormMax only. It's developed as a
companion for FormMax, for users who only need to use the fill
mode functions of FormMax. FormMax Filler is the cost free way
to let many people in your organization share forms and
information, accurately fill out forms -- all while keeping the
form layout safe from unauthorized modification.
FormMax Filler
Quick Tutorial